Hola! Thanks for visiting my blog. My name is D and this is my first stab to blogging! I have started this food and travel blog (hence, “of sporks and knapsacks”) as a venue for me to provide my insights on some of food I’ve eaten, recipes I’ve tried, and some of the places I’ve been to.

INSPIRATION:  I got inspired from reading numerous food and travel related blogs. I have found these blogs very helpful in a way that they have helped me in making decisions re where to go to eat if I am visiting a particular city, how to buy a proper backpack, the places I should visit if I only had a day, cheapest way to navigate an expensive city, etc.

WHY FOOD AND TRAVEL?  Because both never fail to make me happy. 


1)  I am pretty anal and definitely veer towards order and organisation. My posts will be presented in a way that should be easy to read – allowing you to get the information that you want right away. 

2) Though I am not a full blown world traveler and don’t do this for a living, I have been exposed to different types of cultures having lived in 3 different continents, made friends with people from all over the world, and have traveled to different places (in the US, Europe, Asia, and Australia) for work and play. Unique experiences = Unique posts!

GOALS: Through this blog, I hope you will discover something unique – lots of different restaurants, recipes, attractions, events, things-to-do, and places-to-go. I also hope you can find some inspiration, and perhaps take the plunge and experiencing new things!


REVIEW SCOPE: Since I am currently living in Adelaide, many of the reviews will be about things here in Australia. From time to time, I will likely post food and places from my travels. 

FINAL MESSAGE: Welcome. Thanks for stopping by. Come and visit again! 🙂

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